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Street Photography
"One to One"
A Confidence Booster with a Professional Photographer!

David Ken offers individual guidance on the streets of Paris, an opportunity to perfect the art of street photography.

Street Photography, Tailored Guidance in Paris

Beginners welcome – From 2 hours – With your own equipment or a loaned camera.

This “Street Photography” workshop with David Ken is aimed at both beginners and experienced individuals wishing to revisit or learn the fundamentals of photography, improve, develop their photographic culture in the field of street photography, practice street photography and/or understand photo editing on Lightroom.

At the end of this workshop, you will have created a personal photographic series and gained new keys for an independent and confident practice.

One to One avec David Ken

1 personne

450€ / Package 3H

Laissez-nous vos coordonnées, on vous rappelle !

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